Monday, January 7, 2013

We Have A Date

The very much anticipated date has been set.  It has became very real to us that Presley is going to have her surgery.  She will have her sagittal craniosynostosis surgery on Tuesday, February 5th.  We have 29 days to fully prepare ourselves emotionally and love on her every second.  We then will sit through what will probably be the longest 3 hours of our lives.  On the afternoon of February 5th we look forward to sitting with our sweet baby, comforting her, and hoping that this will all be behind us.

Many friends have asked how they can pray for us.  We now hope that she can stay well (no more colds, congestion, etc) so anesthesia will clear her for safe surgery and we will not have to deal with a reschedule.  So pray for wellness for the next couple of weeks!! 

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