Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hopes for 2013

Andrew and I can both agree that 2012 was a tremendous year of emotions for our little family.  May 8th, 2012 was the best day of our lives.  Presley joined us and has not stopped bringing smiles to our days since.  She has given us so much joy that it would be impossible to express adequately.  December 13th, 2012 was the worst day of our lives when we realized the road ahead dealing with her craniosynostosis.  
2013 is starting off with our meeting with the craniofacial team and plastic surgeon tomorrow.  From there we will determine what is best for Presley.  We will enter with an open mind and choose selflessly on what is most beneficial for her, not only now, but 30 years from now.  
Tomorrow is also mine and Andrew's 3rd anniversary.  A cold Saturday three years ago we promised for "better or for worse". Tomorrow we hope we get a better rather than a worse. We will keep everyone updated!

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